Mustela in words

Tuesday 7 April 2009

Let's start at the very begining.....

So I decided to start keeping a blog. I tried to do this a year ago (to the very month infact) but didn't keep up with it. Im trying particularly hard at the moment to sort my life out, become healthier, fitter, and spend time doing things that benefit and make a difference to my physical and mental well-being.

It's been a long long time since I did any exercise... I used to run, regularly, but since my running days I have replaced the outdoors, fresh-air, and tracksuit with gaming, slobbing, smoking and drinking. - Not ideal.

So, I've had a good amount of years sitting on my arse, smoking and drinking my life away, spending countless hours on video games wishing I was as thin, fit and agile as my avatar. Time to try and shape things up. I had my last ciggie on Sunday evening. It is now Tuesday afternoon. I cant pretend that I'm not absolutely gasping for a nice big dose of nicotine and to fill my lungs with smoke, cause I am. - Up until now I've been fine, not craving too badly and getting on with things. This afternoon it has hit me, I am in an absolutely foul mood. Im irritable, snappy, angry. I want to get out of the house and do something, I want a beer and a cigerette and I want them NOW! Arrrgh!!!!!

Yesterday morning I had my first early morning jog (in approximately 9 years).. jeeze 9 years can really make you unhealthy. Felt nauseated and dizzy, had to stop a fair few times to catch my breath and the cold air hurt my chest. But I was glad to have done it. This morning I went out again and took the same route. Already after just one day off the ciggies I can feel a significant difference. I was less breathless, the cold air in my lungs was not giving me chest pains, and felt I had more stamina and was able to do the same route in half the time, with half the stops. - Yay!

Im hoping it will keep getting easier, who knows maybe I'll even extend the route abit - We'll see.

So anyway, got some new trainers and running clothes today, as my feet are killing me from using the shoes I have been wearing (not suitable running shoes)... Im half tempted to go out and have another little jog now... but it's like... mid-afternoon, people will see me! omg!

Anyhow, pretty hungry, lunch time I guess :)

posted by Mustela at 05:29


Keep up the good work and you will succeed. Every day it will get easie and soon enough you will thik "why did i ever live this old life" I know you can. I belive in you. :D

// F

7 April 2009 at 15:12  

Thanks alot :)

8 April 2009 at 15:42  

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